Faith’s yoga class presents a joyful, energetic Vinyasa flow practice with focus on pose alignments. Vinyasa flow is a type of asana practice which not only emphasizes on pose practice alone also the transition between the poses where the connection of breaths to movements happens.
The goal of the class is to bring awareness of your own body, to build up the willpower and strength to break the bad habits, to achieve your own balance of flexibility and stability. Gradually you will discover your own advantage and weakness, learn how to control your muscles and to mindfully achieve your pose and the purpose of practice. In addition, focusing on breathing and movements brings calmness to your nerve system and relaxes your body, which ultimately approaches the art of balancing– flexibility and stability both physically and mentally.
Faith瑜伽课简介:提供愉悦并充满活力的Vinyasa流动练习,训练身体姿势的协调。 Vinyasa流动是一种体式练习,它不仅强调单独的姿势练习,还注重呼吸与运动的连接发生的姿势之间的过渡。本课程的目标是提高自身意识,增强意志力和力量,打破不良习惯,实现自身的灵活性和稳定性平衡。每个流程序列将引导您完成一系列姿势,旨在将您与力量和正念联系起来,以及将呼吸与运动相结合。采用Iyenger方法的协调姿势,专注于呼吸和运动会给您的神经系统带来平静,放松身体,达到益于身心的效果。