2024 Lantern Festival Evening Program

Happy Dance Group

Interactive Chinese Folk Dance: It's the New Year 秧歌互动:过年啦

Performers:  May Che车梅  Jenny Tu涂江华  Shihua Yao姚士华 Xiaojie Gu顾晓洁  Hong Jin金虹 Weiling Jin金维玲  Hong Cao曹红  Chunhua Wang王春花 Judy Cai蔡昕霞  Xiuqin Zhou周秀芹 Yaping Sun孙亚萍 Qing Song宋青 Kan Chai柴坎 Huayi Lu陆化 Hongxing Zhong张红星

Founded in 2012 by a group of dance-loving moms, the Boston Happy Dance Troupe is a non-profit organization that actively engages in community activities. Today, our troupe has grown to over 30 dancers, all of whom are professionals from various industries. Our motto is exercise together, dance together, and be happy together.



Bedford Performers

Instrument: Blooming Flowers Under Full Moon 民乐合奏: 花好月圆

Performers:贾康斌 Kangbin Jia (笛子),贾康文 Karen Jia (柳琴), 贾康丽 Kalie Jia (柳琴)

Kangbin is a 8th grader at John Glenn Middle School, Karen and Kalie are 6th graders at John Glenn Middle School in Bedford, MA.


Lexington Historical Society Colonial Dancers

Interactive Colonial Dance

Dancers: Silvia De La Sota, Dana Fine, Christopher Hurley, Clare Hurley, Jane Morse, Diane O'Shaughnessy, Peggy Wacks, Shilin Zhang

Musicians: John Chambers, Shelley Drowns, Sheila Foley;     
Director: Darlene Wigton

The mission of Lexington Historial Society is to be a premiere interpreter of the events of April 1775, and the faithful steward of all of the town's history through time.
The Lexington Historical Society aims to facilitate Lexington Historical Society's role as being a leading expert in all aspects of Lexington's history and a premiere interpreter of the town's colonial and Revolutionary War narrative while engaging the diverse Lexington and global community.


NLCC/LCE Mandarin Class

Song:Let's Celebrate the Lantern Festival 歌曲:闹元宵

Performers: Ruiqi Xue, Hailey Lu, Annabel Wu, Isabella Chen, Aaria Jandhyala, Hanting Yuan, Arthur Blanchard, Adam Zhang, Victoria Zhang

Instructors: Yingying Cui, River He, Hao Lu, Hongxiang Wang, Amelie Zhang

The New Legacy Cultural Center (NLCC) is a non-political nonprofit cultural and educational organization with a dedicated mission to enhance understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity within the community. As an integral part of the Lexington Public Schools, Lexington Community Education (LCE) is committed to fostering lifelong learning for all. In the summer of 2023, NLCC and LCE joined forces to deliver engaging Chinese culture classes as part of the Lexplorations summer camp, achieving resounding success.

This fall, our collaboration continues, offering enriching learning opportunities to local school children and delving into the vibrant and captivating world of oriental culture. Our Chinese classes are currently conducted at Bowman on Mondays and Wednesdays, at Hastings on Wednesdays, and at Harrington on Fridays, aligning with the Lexington public school calendar. Our dedicated teachers ensure a seamless experience, picking up students from their classrooms at dismissal.


NLCC Performance Club

Song: Slow Slow Tune   - 歌曲: 声声慢

Performers: Owen Gao 高家煦 Xiaoming Gao 高晓明 Ting Fang 方汀 Qiyu Nolan Liu 刘淇奥 Liuyi Iris Qi 祁柳依 Ji Qi 祁姬 Shuyan Yi 伊书妍 Melody Li 李婉辰 Chelsea Li 李婉云 Dan Yuan 袁丹 Mia Xu 徐丹妮 Leo Peng 彭天乐 Zonghui Peng 彭宗辉 Siqi Cheng 程思琪 SiLin Cheng 程思琳 Connor Guo 郭漮诺 Aria Wang 王尔雅 Sheena Guo 郭石 Junyi Yang 阳君宜 Guang Yang 阳光

Song & Recitation:Best Wishes - 歌曲及朗诵:但愿人长久

Performers: Mia Xu 徐丹妮 Lucas Wang 王喆熙 Maverick Wang 张紫衿 Charis Zhang Owen Gao 高家煦 Aidan Bailey 姚艾丹 Hanting Yuan 袁瀚庭 Leo Peng 彭天乐 Junyi Yang 阳君宜 Qiyu Nolan Liu 刘淇奥 Liuyi Iris Qi祁柳依 Winston Li 李惟扬 Austen Li 李茂扬 Connor Guo 郭漮诺 Aria Wang 王尔雅


BCMA Youth Ensemble Members


Ryan Tao,11 years old, loves Chinese culture and is also good at Guzheng, Piano, Painting, Chinese Go, Sword Dance, and Karate.

陶雨檄,11岁,波士顿音乐家协会青少年乐团 成员,热爱中国文化,擅长古筝,钢琴,画画,围棋,剑舞,空手道。

Mengchen Wang, 12 years old. She has a passion for the Guzheng (Chinese zither) and calligraphy, having practiced the Guzheng for two years. In 2023, she obtained the Level 7 Guzheng Certificate from the Central Conservatory of Music.

王萌晨 12岁,波士顿音乐家协会青少年乐团成员,爱好古筝,书法。习筝两年。 于2023年,获得中央音乐学院古筝7级证书。

Kaiyee Lin, 9 years old. 3rd grade student of Richard Maghakian Memorial School. She started to play Erhu when she was 3 years old. Kaiyee Lin is a member of the Erhu section in the Boston Chinese Musicians Association Youth Ensemble.

Kayla Hum is in the 7th grade at Belmont Middle School.  She started her music journey with the erhu in the second grade. Kayla is a member of the Boston Chinese Musicians Association Youth Ensemble.




Children's Community Chorus

A Perfect Winter Day (by Teresa and Paul Jennings)

Light Up the World with a Song (by Mark Patterson)

Director: Angela Carpenter

Accompanist: Martha Rogers

Vocalists: Abby Khadka, Viva kshatriya, Sophie Li, Emma Li, Elena Lim, Isabella Lin , Rachael Lippman, Evan Liu, Penelope Marelli , Deesha Mathur, Juliette Ogereau , Brooke Prentice, Isabella Sanchez de Rojas, Abigail Shumila, Shravya Singhal, Sofia Sosa, Yifan (Ellen) Sun, Prajna Thejakumar, Avika verma, Kavya Vivekraj, Rohan Vutukuri, Benjamin Wang, Julie Yao, Nora Yu, Henry Zhang

Children’s Community Chorus (CCC) is an inclusive, non-auditioned chorus for students in Grades 4 and 5! CCC is a wonderful opportunity for excited singers to come together and share in the joy of making music together as a community! Each week, singers will work together as a musical team to improve on their musicianship skills through reading choral music, listening, and of course, singing!



Yaya graduated from Jilin College of the Arts with a major in Broadcasting and Hosting Art, and subsequently earned a master's degree from Brandeis University. She began her career as a news anchor at Chongqing Television and Beijing Fangshan Television Station in China. Currently Yaya works as a Chinese language teacher at a public high school in the United States. Since 2020, she has also been a news anchor for Boston Asian Radio & TV, “Boston News” and “American Chinese Weekly” programs.

YY:本科毕业于吉林艺术学院播音与主持艺术专业。研究生毕业于Brandeis University。曾在中国重庆,北京房山电视台担任新闻主播,现任美国公立高中中文老师。

2018年7月荣获全球旗袍朗诵大赛波士顿赛区的朗诵金奖。 代表波士顿赛区参加全球总决赛。











Omar Khudari

Omar Khudari is a retired entrepreneur and investor. After earning A.B. in Philosophy from Harvard in 1982, Omar began his career designing and programming computer games. In 1987, Omar co-founded the computer game company, Papyrus Design Group. Omar ran Papyrus until it was acquired by Sierra On-Line in 1995. After Papyrus, Omar turned to investing in startups, then to farming, and finally to philanthropy and volunteer work. Omar is a member of First Parish in Lexington, and serves on the boards of New Legacy Cultural Center and Friends of Lexington Bikeways. His lifelong hobby is studying languages, including most recently, Mandarin Chinese.

古君健(Omar Khudari) 曾是一名企业家和投资人,现已退休。他于1982年毕于哈佛大学哲学系,之后便开始了他的电脑游戏设计和编程的职业生涯。1987年,Omar与合作人共同创立了一家名为Papyrus Design的电脑游戏公司,並负责该公司的日常运营和管理。1995年公司被Sierra On-Line收购,Omar转向投资初创公司,之后还涉足过农业。目前主要从事慈善和义务志愿工作。Omar是莱星文化中心的董事,First Parish in Lexington的成员,同时也在Lexington Bikeways的董事会任职。他酷爱学习外语,中文也是其中之一。


Parade Instructions



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Our programs are supported in part by grants from the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Disclaimer: New Legacy Cultural Center -- Lexington admits students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
© New Legacy Cultural Center Inc.